A screen across from me holds the words "KEEP TRYING" for a fleeting moment as a headline is zoomed in on. I suppose that is what I will do.
This week I am working unpaid for the my local paper. Being a fortunate person means I have enough savings to survive for a while during this recession. There's always an optimistic view. I try to see it this way and push out the other glaring headlines:
Graduates told: 'work at KFC'
Women hit hard by downturn
I promised myself once that I would not be taken for a ride and be a long-term intern. That I would not effectively pay to work. I used to say if I was good enough in my chosen career, then work would come my way.
Things look different now I have chosen to pursue a career in journalism and now that we are in the clutches of a recession.
On the best online resource for local-news jobs today there are no vacancies for junior reporters. A colleague of mine tells me there used to be fifteen at a time a few years ago when he was first applying.
Things wouldn't be so much better for me in a temping job, which is my other option. Working for free means no-one can complain when I have to go to the dentist, or need the morning off to let in the washing-machine repair man.
You can not get sacked for taking a day off, or having an off day, when you are working for free. When you are on a rolling contract in a temporary position this is more than possible, as I know from bitter experience.
Working unpaid in journalism builds my skills rather than chanelling me into a career I do not enjoy. I will keep telling myself this and keep trying. Hopefully I will get a job offer before lack of money forces me into another line of work.
Please Sort It Out.
13 years ago
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